The Career Builder's Podcast
Interviewing Like a Pro in Any Industry with Jacquie Grant
Episode Summary
Getting to the interview table can be a big step when looking to advance your career. Interview coach Jacquie Grant joins the show to talk about how you can nail this critical career-building conversation.
Episode Notes
Topics Covered
- Jacqueline Grant - Interview Coach
- Jacqueline's background in HR & Recruiting and how it lead her to interview coaching
- Why is interviewing so scary?
- Looking at the interview as a conversation can shift your mindset
- How you can be your authentic self in an interview
- Talking about yourself - boasting vs showing your value
- How to prep for the interview
- Researching the company
- Research the role
- Research the interviewers
- Prep your stories
- Have questions prepared
- What are different ways you can prep your stories?
- Why concision is so important
- Show leadership in the interview
- When to talk about salary
- Common interviewing mistakes
- Step into the shoes of the interviewer
- Powerful questions to ask at an interview
- "Even if you don't know what you're going to do with your career, think about what you think you might like and try it."