The Career Builder's Podcast
Creating an Environment for Success, Pt. 2
Episode Summary
Building on Episode 8, what are some other systems you can adapt to build a better work environment?
Episode Notes
Topics Covered
- Welcome to Part 2 of creating an environment for success
- Listen to Episode 8 to hear part 1
- Put first things first - The prioritization quadrant (Stephen Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Habit #3
- Take control of your time by identifying Important vs Urgent Tasks
- Your physical environment
- Choose an environment that fits your needs
- Make small adaptations to fit your environment to you
- Shifting your perspective to bring positivity into your environment
- Self-awareness and self-evaluation for success
- Continuous learning - upgrade your skills
- "One of the best parts of being an adult in the workforce is being able to learn the things that you want to learn"
- Do you like to spend time at the library?
- Asking for what you need or want - "If you don't ask you'll never receive"
- Autonomy & trust
- Going above and beyond in your work
- being open to new experiences
- Seeing the bigger picture
- Lifting up the people around you
- Sometimes going above and beyond means cleaning the toilets
- What are your tips for success?